Best Principal

I have been told I am principal of my school for the day. The first new rule would be that students can wear pajamas to school. Most students would love the idea of wearing pajamas to school because they’re comfy and most people just prefer pjs instead of actual clothes. The second new rule would be no dress code. Yeah of course there will still be some rules like no booty shorts and no really short crop tops but its not fair that the boys don’t have any rules they need to follow while girls have so many things they can’t wear. Like it’s not a big deal if some girls show their shoulders or a little bit of skin. How is it distracting the boys? While the rules go on and on about what girl can’t wear or do the boys don’t have any rules to follow except for hats that is literally like the only rule they have for the boys and it’s not fair. The third new rule would be letting students use their phones. Of course they can’t use it one hundred percent of the time but it wouldn’t kill any one if they use their phones once they’re done with their work in class. The new rule would be that they can use their phone once they’re done with their work and they can also use it during break and lunch. Once lunch it about to start we would order pizza for all the kids and teachers/staff. The school lunch isn’t the best which is why a lot of kids don’t eat the food so it would be good to change up the food sometimes. And lastly I would let students chew gum. Most of the students at school chew and throw it away so it wouldn’t be a problem. It would be a easy rule to follow all you gotta do it throw away your gum and it wouldn’t be a problem. And that’s everything I would do if I were principal for the day!